Midge Season in Scotland
Midges tend to avoid bright sunlight, making them less active at dawn and dusk, with winds of more than 3mph preventing their flight. Damp forests and heather-covered moors provide their natural home. You might also spot them near lakes and rivers. Thankfully, unlike mosquitoes, these spiders do not carry infectious diseases that could infect people. What is a midge? Midges (Culicoides Impunctatus) are small two-winged flies which swarm in Scotland's highland areas from May through September. While similar in appearance to mosquitoes, they do not carry infectious diseases and only cause itchy bites as nuisances. Midges prefer still, humid conditions to thrive in, making their presence known at dawn and dusk as well as in wet, marshy areas across Scotland. West Highlands in particular are notorious for midge infestation while…